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Op Kees' FH site nieuws uit Zuid Afrika! Ook hier
bestaan FH-koeien, hun gegevens en hun liefhebbers. De heer Japie Sadie, werkzaam
bij de KI organisatie Taurus aldaar, schrijft over de melkveehouderij
in Zuid Afrika en de FH in het bijzonder. Helaas
blijkt dat er veel gegevens van FH rundvee van vroeger verloren gegaan te
zijn, welke hij weer probeert terug te vinden
(of de voornaamste).
Via deze site kan een ieder ons hierbij helpen.
De heer J. Sadie richtte zijn correspondentie aan de familie Endendijk, waarvan Harmen weer met mij (uw webmaster) contact opnam. Eventuele gevonden gegevens kunnen ook aan hen gestuurd worden. Ik heb de e-mail-wisseling grotendeels intact gelaten, maar soms ingekort, herschikt of voorzien van cursief of kleur. Uiteraard onthoud ik de surfers niet de recentie (of die van Harmen) over de site. Kees Ruyter |
Citaten uit artikelen staan geplaatst tussen " ", in tegenstelling tot eigen beschrijving door de webmaster.
Dirk and Harmen Endendijk (adres)
Saterdag, 24 April 2004. ...Dirk,
if you would like to write to me in Dutch, you are very welcome.
I am quite capable of reading
it and I can also
follow a conversation in Dutch very well, just as long as
it is not too fast and not in another dialect.
Our Afrikaans is not too far away from your language.
Julle sal dit
baie maklik verstaan. Now back to the cows. Yes, your cattle are very nice, but they do differ from what we are use to these days, especially here in the Western Cape where we have no grazing, just a complete feed (TMR and mixer wagons). But, as you mentioned they are bred for a reason. Being a more hardy animal and together with the lovely solids and milk I saw on the pedigree of Rivelino 382, one can just envy them. I think a lot of breeders here would lick their lips to own such animals, they will earn much more money from their milk-buyers.... I was astonished with the pedigree of 382. Never in my life have I seen such a pedigree with 14 out of 16 bulls being all RIVELINO-sires. This really is a life-time of breeding. The dairy-business here in our area is going through a very bad
phase. The price of milk
keeps on coming down
and feed prices are climbing every month.
Together with this, the price for slaughter cows are the lowest in
a long time, so what do you do.
Our black government (ANC) are not interested in our farmers that
kept them alive for many years. With the Rand (our money ) (plus minus 8 Rand to an Euro)
as it stands now, it is much cheaper for them to import cheese,
powder milk and meat.
As there are no subsidies on any farming product, it is just one
great battle to keep on farming. We
from Taurus also find that people are buy cheaper semen or rely much more
on bulls. I was also impressed with the pedigree-form, very straight forward with all the necessary information, scores and complete lists of all milk-records. With our official pedigree (from S.A. Holstein), we only print a 4-generation. For the dam and two granddames up to 12 lactations can be printed, but only 3 each for the females in the 4th generation (although all lactations are on the system). The computer chooses the three highest one’s. It makes things a bit easier in my search for data. Luckily, I could find most of the info on bulls that are the sires of the imported animals. So once a bull is complete on the system, it is there for life and then I can just refer to his/her registration number. The
sires of most (missing animals), not all,
were: Jelsumer
Gerard Wouter, Jelsumer Gerard Wouter 6, Jelsumer
Douwe Nelis and some of his sons, Adema
561, Nuboxer bulls – Verwachting,
Coningh, Klaus, Franciscus, De Groote
(vreselijk benieuwd naar de afstamming van
Nuboxer Verwachting. Daar zitten veel Coba's achter... hij via Anne
Oosterbaan is verkocht naar Zuid-Afrika... gefokt is door een Ruyter!),
Dageraad, Súdhoekster, Amarilla,
Blitsaerd Keimpe (many of
them), ....Do you have a good map of South Africa (not Africa as a whole) – please let me know. I got a very nice map from Holland Genetics and now I know exactly where “your” ERMELO is. Reading out of “ UIT DE NEDERLANDSE KOEKRANT, 2003” (that I got from the website) on page 4, I also located all the areas you visited with the British breeders. I enjoyed the piece – Overpeinzingen (Rivella 16) from your Dad. Well, Harmen, by this time you are probably so bored with all my stories that I should rather stop just here. I will be looking forward to hearing from you at any time. My very best regards to you and your family and once more my sincere thanks. All
the very best, " JAPIE "P.S. In Natal-area (about 1600 km from here) there is a farmer, Douglas Ralfe, (now 89 years old) breeding only FH. He imported heifers from England in the late 70’s or beginning 1980 (I am no too sure) and is concentrating on FH. He spoke to me on the phone for a very long time a few days ago and begged me to come and visit him before he dies. At the end of last year he imported about 100 straws of the bull LORD 133. He and his son are milking close to 200 cows on grazing and they are doing extremely well. I really think the two of you are absolutely talking the same language in your every day existence. " |
"Hallo Kees, Hier een mailtje uit Ermelo. Allereerst complimenten voor je FH-website. Leuke, vrolijke opmaak en veel informatie. Een man van KI Taurus uit Zuid-Afrika heeft hem ook gelezen en was erg enthousiast. Daar mail ik even over. Hij stuurde ons een brief met een voor hem “verdrietig” verhaal. Hier de tekst (about lost FH Data). "Dear
Mr Endendijk, Your
name was given to me and therefore I am taking this opportunity to write
to you. You probably know that in the period, 1950 – until early 1980 (when the import of live animals into S.A. was stopped), very many young bulls and females were imported into this Country from the F.R.S. and later N.R.S. This was the time before Canadian and American semen took over here. When
our SA Friesland (now Holstein) Vereniging went over from the card-system
of records to the computer-system, they took in “punch-girls” to do
the work. These women had no
idea of animals and none so ever of records.
That meant that not all the data was transferred and in some cases
only the name of the animal was entered.
It seems to me that nobody at that stage worried about it as
Holstein was all they talked about. So
as you can think all the old data was gone when they destroyed the old
cards of all the animals. I
wrote to the NRS to try and get some pedigrees of bulls like BLITSAERD
NIERTJE’S ADEMA 12, but the reply was that the same story happened to
them, records of those old animals are no longer available.
To me this was unacceptable. The
lady in our Holstein-office is helping me to put back all the pedigrees
when I completed them – so it is up to me to find the data. Now
my question to you. Is
there perhaps anywhere, except for the N.R.S.,
that I can try to get hold of this info.
I thought If I can get some old sire catalogues from different
A.I. Co-ops (before they all became Holland Genetics) I would be
able to find quite a lot of info.
Catalogues such as those from Stompentoren and Sijberkarspel had
full pedigrees (especially full list of milk records) of their bulls.
The company, World Wide Semen Trade from Hoorn also had a very
complete catalogue and I managed to get some pages which provided a lot of
info. I suppose one might
still find some of these old catalogues from people who do not farm
anymore but still have them somewhere.
What do you suggest? I
will not be able to rebuild the pedigrees of all animals that were
imported into this Country but I would like to complete those of bulls
that were either imported by Taurus itself of owned by them.
In those days Taurus were able to buy older imported bulls who bred
well in herds from breeders/importers and relocate them at Taurus.
I am still struggling with the pedigree of ADEMA 561 as I can not
find the last few lactations of his dam, ADEMA 515.
Many of his sons and daughters were imported.
I am also looking at animals from the stables of Jelsumer,
Blitsaerd, Amarilla, Súdhoekster, Haubois and the Jeltje cows from H A de
Vries. To
give you an idea of how bad the data on our system is, the following.
The bull NUBOXER VERWACHTING was crowned Champion in Leeuwarden in
1974. He then came to South
Africa. He was the highest
scored bull (89 pts) ever to be imported.
At our National Friesland/Holstein Show (held every 5 years) he
became Senior and Grand Champion in 1975.
He also won numerous Championships at other shows in the Country. Now
for this bull, only his name and date of birth appear on his pedigree.
This is really not good enough and therefore I am trying to correct this. It
is really sad that the NRS did not keep (stored) the old data in some way
or another. So
this is my very long story (for something I hope to get) but I am sure you
will understand. With
my best regards" JAPIE SADIE "Daar ben ik weer. Hij heeft ook nog een lijstje met wat specifiekere wensen nagezonden (zie attach). Waar hij kennelijk met name naar op zoek is, zijn de afstammingen van die stieren en de melklijsten van de genoemde koeien.... Vriendelijke groeten, " Harmen Endendijk, (29 april 2004) "Adres
Dirk en Harmen Endendijk: Slagsteeg 33, 3853 MA Ermelo, endyk@hotmail.com,
0341-552833, (fax idem)". |
- IMP,
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drie die vaders behoort volledig op die stelsel te wees.
Sien hulle egter
aangeheg.) |
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